



  • モデリング: 高度なポリゴンモデリングツールで、キャラクターや環境の作成が可能。
  • アニメーション: リギングやスカルピング、モーショングラフィックスまで幅広く対応。
  • レンダリング: EeveeとCyclesという、リアルタイムおよび物理ベースレンダリングエンジンを搭載。
  • シミュレーション: 流体、煙、火、布などのシミュレーション機能も豊富。
  • エクスポート: Blenderで制作した3Dモデルを、ゲームエンジン(UnityやUnreal Engine)や他のソフトに簡単にエクスポート可能。


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Blender: Mastering 3D Space

Blender is a free, open-source 3D creation suite that offers a range of tools for animation, modeling, rendering, simulation, texturing, and video editing. Despite its wide array of features, it is user-friendly enough for beginners and powerful enough for professionals in 3D art, game development, and film production.

Key Features:

  • Modeling: Advanced polygon modeling tools for creating characters and environments.
  • Animation: Supports rigging, sculpting, and motion graphics.
  • Rendering: Equipped with Eevee and Cycles, real-time and physically-based rendering engines.
  • Simulation: Rich simulation tools for fluid, smoke, fire, and cloth effects.
  • Exporting: Easily export your 3D models to game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine, or other software.

Blender is free and open-source, meaning it’s accessible to anyone, from individual creators to professional studios. Its vibrant global community also offers invaluable support to users.


Blender File Formats (Export)

Blender (.blend)
Collada (.dae)
Alembic (.abc)
Universal Scene Description (.usd)
Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)
Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Wavefront (.obj)
Motion Capture (.bvh)
Stanford (.ply)
STL (.stl)
FBX (.fbx)
glTF 2.0 (.glb/.gltf)
Wavefront (.obj)*legacy
X3D Extensible 3D (.x3d)
AutoCAD DXF (.dxf)


Note: Additional formats can be supported via add-ons. This is the list of file formats that Blender can export.



