Resist Fate with the Power of Creation.
GIMP is a powerful tool that enables creative repurposing. Despite being free, it handles a wide range of creative tasks such as image editing, digital painting, and design creation. With its rich features and flexible usability, GIMP allows you to produce professional-quality results.
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GIMP: A Powerful Image Editing Tool Offering Unlimited Freedom
GIMP is a powerful tool that enables creative repurposing. Despite being free, it handles a wide range of creative tasks such as image editing, digital painting, and design creation. With its rich features and flexible usability, GIMP allows you to produce professional-quality results.

GIMP File Formats (Export)
GIMP File Formats (Export)
Alias Pix Image (pix, matte, mask, alpha, als)
AutoDesk FLIC Animation (fli, flc)
bzip Archive (xcf.bz2, xcfbz2)
C Source Code (c)
C Source Code Header (h)
Colored XHTML (xhtml)
DDS Image (dds)
EPS Format (eps)
Flexible Image Transport System (fit, fits)
GIF Image (gif)
GIMP Pattern (pat)
GIMP Brush (gbr)
GIMP Brush (Animated) (gih)
gzip Archive (xcf.gz, xcfgz)
HEIF/AVIF (avif)
HEIF/HEIC (heic, heif)
HTML Table (html, htm)
JPEG Image (jpg, jpeg, jpe)
KISS CEL (cel)
Microsoft Windows Icon (ico)
MNG Animation (mng)
OpenEXR Image (exr)
OpenRaster (ora)
PBM Image (pbm)
PDF Format (pdf)
PFM Image (pfm)
PGM Image (pgm)
Photoshop Image (psd)
PNG Image (png)
PNM Image (pnm)
PostScript Document (ps)
PPM Image (ppm)
Radiance RGBE (hdr)
Raw Image (data, raw)
Silicon Graphics IRIS Image (sgi, rgb, rgba, bw, icon)
SUN Raster File Image (im1, im8, im24, im32, rs, ras, sun)
Targa Image (tga)
TIFF Image (tif, tiff)
WebP Image (webp)
Windows BMP Image (bmp)
X PixMap Image (xpm)
X Window Dump (xwd)
X Bitmap Image (xbm, icon, bitmap)
xz Archive (xcf.xz, cfxz)
ZSoft PCX Image (pcx, pcc)
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (dcm, dicom)


The future has yet to be drawn.
Now, let’s create a miracle.